Monday, May 12, 2008


Here is Ballet Folklorico Citlali's new home. We had been using a free Geocities page in the past, but it is not very user friendly and needs some serious updating. Hopefully this will be a better place to work and to showcase the group as well as add a lot of goodies!
We are currently preparing for our annual Living Traditions Festival Participation on 5/17/08 at the Salt Lake City/County Building (400 South and State Street).
We're always looking for new dancers and love to have people come to try it out!

Esta es la casa nueva del Ballet Folklorico Citlali. Teniamos otra pagina, pero esperamos que esta sea mas facil de usar y de actualizar. Estamos preparandonos para el festival de
Living Traditions el 17 de Mayo en el Centro de Salt Lake City. Esperamos que puedan venir a vernos. Si te interesa el ballet folklorico, ven a vernos y ven a nuestras practicas! ¡Todos son bienvenidos!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

sabes no se nada de danza folklorica pero me gustaria aprender y no se que se requiere, si puedes darme mas informacion te lo agradecere mucho Att. Felipe Flores